TEDx Talk - The Power of Storytelling by Jason Rodi
Recent projects :

ANTENNAE is a multifaceted immersive experience by Jason Rodi, who serves as writer, director and performer within the narrative. This experiential odyssey interlaces the soundscapes of a live atmospheric musical ensemble with the fluidity of performance art, inviting participants to become ANTENNAE, and co-create a live cinematic play. Rodi's poetic visual of antennas shot on his travels for NOMADslow.tv, orchestrates collective movements that transform participants' silhouettes into a story of light and shadow, staging Plato's allegory of the cave. This is where the boundaries of audience and performer dissolve, where each moment is an act of creation, and the result is a mesmerizing live movie. Weaving together music, movement, and storytelling, Rodi casts his poetic vision into a shared reality that resonates with the pulse of collective experience : WE ARE ALL ANTENNAE.

NØRD, une production du Quartier des spectacles par NOMAD Life, illumine les murs de Montréal avec la biodiversité nordique dans le cadre de Luminothérapie, jusqu’au printemps. Tourné récemment au Cap Nord, en Norvège, le réalisateur Jason Rodi à aussi fait appel à l’explorateur Jean Lemire pour ses images de la faune Arctique. NØRD vous invite à contempler la beauté d’un monde lointain et pourtant si proche.
Voices of Freedom
86 minute documentary 2020
A message of unity in a time of need, VOICES OF FREEDOM hears from Americans from all walks of life, political views and religious beliefs, to explore the common ground joining a divided people. From fear to freedom, we journey across the full spectrum of the American identity through shared struggles, aspirations, courage and hope. VOICES OF FREEDOM is a profound ode to the American dream.
Voices of Freedom
86 minute documentary, 2020
A message of unity in a time of need, VOICES OF FREEDOM hears from Americans from all walks of life, political views and religious beliefs, to explore the common ground joining a divided people.
From fear to freedom, we journey across the full spectrum of the American identity through shared struggles, aspirations, courage and hope. VOICES OF FREEDOM is a profound ode to the American dream.